Monday, January 16, 2006

What this blog is about.

Dear Mr. Lucas: Bring My Shuttle.

This blog is about restoring the STAR WARS movies to their former dignity. Take out the extraneous dinosaurs, Mr. Lucas. Take out the CGI crap. Bring back the old explosions. Bring back the dirty mattes. Well, you don't have to go that far. You can keep some of the subtle changes. But all the extra flying robots, all the new creatures in the Cantina scene, the anesthesized Bespin, the godawful CGI coda and panpipes of your "new" RToJ--in short all the extra crap for whatever reason you felt like stuffing in those classics--take it back and store it all in a godforsaken shed behind some shithouse on Skywalker Ranch. That you have sullied your reputation is of no concern of ours. You have defaced monuments.

(Please note: We don't deem it necessary to bring up the matter of your more recent films. We are only concerned with the second three in the "Star Wars" cosmology, those being episodes IV, V, and VI. For clarification, those movies that you [a one Mr. George Lucas] made in the late seventies and early eighties; in chronological order [from our galactic perspective of course!] A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and The Return of the Jedi.)

One generation and now possibly two generations are ignorant of the apex of analog technology, and only familiar with the caveman scrawl of nascent CGI. Mr. Lucas: Our cry to you? Bring My Shuttle.


Blogger sarcasmus said...

Hey man, you can publish postings. You don't have to comment.

10:53 AM  

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